The ArtWalk 2019: Autumn was the final program of “Four Seasons in One Dementia Day” invited people living with memory loss from the local community to be involved in designing a collaborative animation called ‘Sunday Afternoon.”
The project comprised of six workshops guided by Lisa and animator, Katherine Appleby with the outcome being a site-specific animation projected onto CBD building during ArtWalk 2019.
In 2017, Lisa initialled the first creative ageing exhibition in the Port Macquarie ArtWalk, she partnered with Catholic Care of the Age to deliver the first collaborative creative ageing exhibition at the PMHC annual Artwalk.
Titled “Creativity Has No Age Barriers”, the visitation to the exhibition was over 1100 people over the three day event.
On the success of the 2017 exhibition, Lisa again co-ordinated and curator the following years creative ageing exhibition in PMHC ArtWalk, 2018 were visitation to the exhibition elevated to over 3000 people.